Temporary Datasets#


Since solving any reasonable SQL problem requires a combination of all the topics covered here, hence it becomes difficult to seggregate problems based on one topic alone. So for SQL we are creating a dedicated Problems section. Theoritical and Basic questions will still be under their dedicated sections.

Reference: 📖Explanation

Sometimes in order to ease things out you need to create a temporary version of the data for either viewing it or for running some further calculations to it. Now if it is just that you want to run the same query daily and get the results you might as well save it as a VIEW . You can consider view as a SQL statement saved with a name.

While it is very important to know what a VIEW is, however in most cases the ask will be to solve some question which for which you need to create a temporary dataset and run queries on that. You can use Common Table Expression or CTE for that. It uses the WITH keyword.

CTE can be of 2 types:

  • A recursive CTE is one that references itself within that CTE. The recursive CTE is useful when working with hierarchical data because the CTE continues to execute until the query returns the entire hierarchy

  • A non-recursive CTE is one that does not reference itself within the CTE. Nonrecursive CTEs tend to be simpler than recursive CTEs


The above image shows a case where we need to use CTE to answer a question#