

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats

def normal_sample_generator(N):
    # can be done using np.random.randn or stats.norm.rvs
    #x = np.random.randn(N)
    x = stats.norm.rvs(size=N)
    num_bins = 20
    plt.hist(x, bins=num_bins, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5)

    y = np.linspace(-4, 4, N)
    bin_width = (x.max() - x.min()) / num_bins
    plt.plot(y, stats.norm.pdf(y) * N * bin_width)

# *Solution recieved from the community via [merge request](*

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# straightforward using the central limit theorem.

p = .5
n = 10000

# returns standard normal output via the central limit theorem
def standard_normal_output(p,n):
    bernoulli_mean = p
    bernoulli_variance = p*(1-p)
    bernoulli_std = abs(np.sqrt(bernoulli_variance))
    sample = np.random.binomial(size = n, n = 1, p = p)
    return (sample.mean() - bernoulli_mean)/(bernoulli_std/np.sqrt(n))

# now we plot this output 10000 times to indeed show it is a standard normal distribution
def plot_output():
    for i in range(0,n):
    num_bins = 20
    plt.hist(outputs, bins=num_bins, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5) 
# Interquartile distance is the difference between first and third quartile

# first let's generate a list of random numbers

import random
import numpy as np

li = [round(random.uniform(33.33, 66.66), 2) for i in range(50)]

qtl_1 = np.quantile(li,.25)
qtl_3 = np.quantile(li,.75)

print("Interquartile distance: ", qtl_1 - qtl_3)
[35.08, 50.02, 60.4, 51.82, 37.31, 40.69, 39.67, 45.21, 45.7, 34.52, 42.25, 42.06, 57.53, 45.21, 52.25, 66.18, 34.77, 53.83, 35.99, 33.68, 47.57, 51.62, 38.79, 58.53, 51.25, 61.53, 33.49, 64.59, 35.93, 36.07, 63.0, 46.17, 34.36, 50.61, 50.73, 34.07, 65.38, 59.51, 42.84, 62.86, 54.46, 54.87, 49.58, 65.68, 59.23, 65.94, 38.46, 59.21, 55.28, 55.94]
Interquartile distance:  -19.269999999999996
import pandas as pd

cheeses = {"Name": ["Bohemian Goat", "Central Coast Bleu", "Cowgirl Mozzarella", "Cypress Grove Cheddar", "Oakdale Colby"], "Price" : [15.00, None, 30.00, None, 45.00]}

df_cheeses = pd.DataFrame(cheeses)

df_cheeses['Price'] = df_cheeses['Price'].fillna(df_cheeses['Price'].median())
Name Price
0 Bohemian Goat 15.0
1 Central Coast Bleu 30.0
2 Cowgirl Mozzarella 30.0
3 Cypress Grove Cheddar 30.0
4 Oakdale Colby 45.0